Thank You William, Heidi and Trey

The Hauns left today after three months helping us at BMC. We appreciated Heidi’s help in the hospital. William did a lot of work and took a lot of pictures to publicize and promote our ministry. He took… Read More

Cokes at Christmas

On Christmas Day, Dr. Faile continued his annual tradition  of delivering cokes to the hospital staff who were working.

Miss Ghana 2007 Visits BMC

World Vision Donates Supplies to BMC

Thank you World Vision for your generous donation of medical supplies and medicines.

Christmas Decorations at BMC

The holiday is upon us and the Christmas decorations are up at the hospital. Jane and the pharmacy crew have done the most decorating but the front of the hospital is showing its lit wireframe tree at night.

New ACs in Theater

Two new air conditioners have been installed in the operating rooms thanks to a donor’s generous contribution. Thank you for your support!