Goodbye Dickens, Welcome Aubrey & Hakim!

We bid farewell to the Joel Dickens family in July.  Joel and Holly departed in late June/early July for a short stint Stateside to take care of some family business/recouperation prior to following the Lord to Cameroon.  Their plan is to head out in December or January to begin an assignment in Mbingo, Cameroon.  Joel will be starting an OB/GYN residency (training) program for West African, multiplying himself not only in terms of medical training, but also through the Word in Bible Studies.  We’re so grateful for the Dickens family and the time they spent here in Nalerigu!  You can follow them through their blog (

Meanwhile, we’ve been blessed with the services of two young Ghanaian doctors, Aubrey and Hakim, as they wait for posting into their residency programs here in Ghana.  Another Ghanaian doctor, Kusi, has also been working here and we’re grateful for their contributions.

The Lord leads on!!