Recent Volunteers April 2009

Ms. Amy Pennington

Ms. Amy Pennington

Amy Pennington is a final year pharmacy student who came and worked with us for several weeks. We enjoyed having her and wish her all the best as she begins her residency at Vanderbilt University.

Dr. Alan Heins and Kaye

Dr. Alan Heins and Kaye

Dr. Alan Heins and his wife Kaye spent several weeks with us. This was a return trip for them and we appreciate their continued interest and support. Alan is a family practitioner and Kaye is a Family Nurse Practitioner so they both worked in clinic and made rounds as well as helping with minor procedures.

Dr. Dewey Dunn and Dr. Roy Renfro

Dr. Dewey Dunn and Dr. Roy Renfro

Dr. Dewey Dunn and Dr. Roy Renfro also returned to work with us for several weeks. As usual it was a pleasure to have them and we appreciated their help and support. Dr. Dunn is a gastroenterologist and Dr. Renfro is a retired surgeon. They both worked very hard and were a big help. Dr. Renfro celebrated his 79th birthday while here!

Dr. Fred Rushton, Dr. Robert Battle, Debbie Battle, William Cauthen, Jessica Gullung, and Taylor Byrd

Dr. Fred Rushton, Dr. Robert Battle, Debbie Battle, William Cauthen, Jessica Gullung, and Taylor Byrd

Dr. Fred Rushton, a surgeon from Jackson, MS and Dr. Robert Battle, an anesthesiologist from Jackson returned for another visit. They came with Will Cauthen and Jessica Gullung, fourth year medical students and Taylor Byrd, a fourth year college student. Robert’s wife Debbie also came and cooked for the team. They all worked hard and did a lot for us during their time here.

Dr. Jennifer Neuman

Dr. Jennifer Neuman

Dr. Neuman is a third year family medicine resident. She spent several weeks with us and was a lot of help in clinic, making rounds and taking call. We don’t know how much help we were to her in preparing to go to Alaska after residency, but hope she learned some things that will be useful wherever she goes.

Dr. Kristiana Kaufman

Dr. Kristiana Kaufman

Dr. Kaufman is a fourth year emergency medicine resident from Cincinnati, OH. She worked hard and did a lot for us. We certainly appreciated her help and interest. She helped with call, seeing patients in clinic and doing minor procedures and ultrasounds. We wish her all the best wherever she goes next year when she finishes her training.

Jeff and Jean Ingram, Susan Lee and Cynthia Munisteri

Jeff and Jean Ingram, Susan Lee and Cynthia Munisteri

Jeff Ingram and his wife Jean came with Susan Lee and Cynthia came for a week. Jeff is an associate pastor at First Baptist Church, Fairhope, AL. They visited patients and worked with the chaplains in the hospital. They also visited churches in the surrounding villages with Tommy Harrison. We enjoyed having them and appreciate their contribution to our ministry here.

Micah Flint, James Perry, Rick Friesen and Lawrence Lawerty

Micah Flint, James Perry, Rick Friesen and Lawrence Lawerty

Micah Flint from INMED came with James Perry, Rick Friesen and Lawrence Lawerty from Abundant Life Baptist Church, Lee’s Summit MO. Many of our volunteers, medical students and residents come through INMED and Micah came to see what we are doing and what it is like at BMC. His wife Jennifer came to work with us several years ago as a medical student. Rick Friesen is the executive pastor of Abundant Life Baptist Church and James Perry is the Missions Chairman. They have expressed some interest in helping to support BMC and wanted to see for themselves what we are doingand what our needs are. Lawrence is a college student whose parents are Ghanaian. We enjoyed getting tomeet every one and are excited about the possibilities of working together in the future. Of course we look forward to more excellent help from INMED students. Thanks to all of you for your interest and support.