Thanks, Rianna!

Recent volunteer Rianna Bunn was no stranger to Ghana or BMC. A native Australian, she grew up the daughter of SIM missionaries serving in Yagaba, west of Walewale. In the late 90s, her brother was born here and a few years later returned to have a broken arm set!

Now a medical student, she came to BMC to volunteer for over four weeks. Having spent 13 years in the Northern Region as a child, she surprised and endeared herself to patients with her ability to speak Mampruli.

We are very grateful that Rianna set aside so much time to serve at BMC and we wish her the best as she continues in her medical training in Australia. We hope to see her again in the near future!

Here is a photo of Rianna with Dr. Heidi Haun on a hike they took east of Nalerigu one weekend.
