Fall Volunteers

During the past few months we have had a number of volunteers who have continued to provide good help and support. Below are the most recent visitors, some of whom are still with us.

Dr. and Mrs. Doug Parkin

Dr. and Mrs. Doug Parkin

Dr. Doug Parkin is a pediatrician from Arizona who has been to Nalerigu several times. He and his wife came again and it was a pleasure to have them work with us. Dr. Parkin was a big help in clinic and on the wards seeing many of the children who are so sick at this time of year.

Dr. and Mrs. Bill Prine, Rev. Bill Graham, Gayle Mulberry, Mike and Sandy Provine, Justine Howe and Jonathan Bradley

Dr. and Mrs. Bill Prine, Rev. Bill Graham, Gayle Mulberry, Mike and Sandy Provine, Justine Howe and Jonathan Bradley

Another pediatrician who worked with us for the first time was Dr. Bill Prine. Dr. Prine and his wife came with a team from First Baptist Church, Clarkseville, TN. The other members of the team spent time in nearby villages and in some of the schools.

Dr. Charles Barrier and Holly

Dr. Charles Barrier and Holly

Dr. Charles Barrier came for his second time and brought his daughter with him. He is a gastroenterologist and his daughter is a pharmacy student. Dr. Barrier did a lot of upper endoscopies for us and was a big help in the clinic.

Dr. Erle Kirby, Chris Kirby and Gabriel Fortin

Dr. Erle Kirby, Chris Kirby and Gabriel Fortin

Dr. Erle Kirby, a surgeon from Canada came again and was a big help during our 50th anniversary celebration. He brought two Canadian medical students with him. Chris Kirby, his son and Gabriel Fortin. maybe they will come back later when they are further along in their training.

Dr. warren Cooper

Dr. Warren Cooper

Dr. Warren Cooper was at the hospital for only a few days, but he came at a good time. He is a general surgeon who works with Samaritans Purse. He was able to help us with a number of difficult and unusual surgical cases. We are hoping that we will see more help from Samaritans Purse in the future.

Dr. Cynthia Schandorf and Dr. Michelle Wilkening

Dr. Cynthia Schandorf and Dr. Michelle Wilkening

Dr. Cynthia Schandorf and Dr. Michelle Wilkening spent several weeks with us. Cynthia is a pediatric resident and Michelle is a family practice resident. They worked together and were abig help with clinic, call and making rounds. We wish them all the best as they finish their training and begin their careers.

Dr. Ken Kelley

Dr. Ken Kelley

Dr. Ken Kelly is an ER resident who came and worked with us for several weeks. He is in the same program as Dr. Colleen Crowe who came earlier in the year.

Dr. Femke Veldman

Dr. Femke Veldman

Dr. Femke Veldman recently graduated from medical school in Holland. She came to work with us in August and will be leaving in December. She has been working hard and has been a big help. Her father came for a short time and helped her celebrate her birthday while she was there. She will return to Holland to do the equivalent of internship/residency. We enjoyed having her with us and wish her all the best as she continues her training.

Below are the students who came and worked with us during the past few months. Daniel Dukarevich is from Israel and Sarah Thornton is from England. They contributed to the international flavor of our community. Eleasa Teng and Pamela Choi will soon be looking for residency positions and we wish them all the best as they seek God’s leadership for their future.

William Haun

William Haun

William Haun returned to help document the events surrounding our 50th Anniversary celebration. As before, he took a lot of very nice picture which can be seen on this site and at the Hauns in Africa site. Thanks!, William for your help and support. And thanks to Heidi for allowing you to come again.